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Agriculture as an Adversarial Example for Data Science with Chris Seifert!

Thu November 16th 2023, 4:30 - 5:30pm
Building 160 (Wallenberg Hall), Room 326

Please join us for our speaker series -- Listen. Engage. Connect. -- Agriculture as an Adversarial Example for Data Science With Chris Seifert!

About our guest: Christopher Seifert (BS '09 MS '10 PhD '18) is currently an EIR at Radicle, an early stage ag tech fund. He has spent more than a dozen years working on statistical methods and models in agriculture, starting at WeatherBill (now The Climate Corporation) where he helped pivot the company from parametric insurance toward serving farmers. He then founded his own startup, AcreValue, a farm real estate portal initially built for helping analyze a real estate transaction involving the family farm in Iowa. That company sold to Granular in 2015. Granular, in turn, sold to DowDuPont (now Corteva) in 2017, where Chris led the Digital Solutions Data Science group, responsible for all manners of data driven agronomy and financial models. Outside of his commercial pursuits, Chris is also passionate about adapting agricultural systems to climate change.  

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