Been Kim
Research Scientist
Google Brain
Been Kim is a staff research scientist at Google Brain. Her research focuses on helping humans to communicate with complex machine learning models: not only by building tools to generate explanations (and tools to show how explanations fail) but also studying machine's nature compared to humans.
She gave a talk at the G20 meeting in Argentina in 2019. Her work TCAV received UNESCO Netexplo award, was featured at Google I/O 19'. Her work was in a chapter of Brian Christian's book on "The Alignment Problem". She is the Senior Program Chair at ICLR 2023. Been gave keynote at ICLR2022, ECML. 2020, tutorials on interpretability at ICML, University of Toronto, CVPR and at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She was a co-workshop Chair ICLR 2019, and has been an senior area chair at NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, AISTATS and others. She is a steering committee member of FAccT conference and SATML, and a former executive board member and VP of Women in Machine Learning. She received her PhD. from MIT.