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B.A. Degree Requirements 2024-2025

These degree requirements apply to students who declare on or after September 1, 2024.

Gateway Courses (10 units)
  1. Principles of Data Science (DATASCI 112, 5 units)
  2. Solving Social Problems with Data (DATASCI 154, 5 units)

Data Science Core

Math (9-10 units)
  1. One of the following:
    1. Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications (Math 51, 5 units)
    2. Modern Mathematics: Continuous Methods (Math 61CM, 5 units)
  2. One of the following:
    1. Introduction to Matrix Methods (ENGR 108, 5 units)
    2. Applied Matrix Theory (Math 104, 4 units)
Computer Science (13-15 units)
  1. Programming Methodology (CS 106A, 5 units) 
  2. Programming Abstractions (CS 106B or X, 5 units) 
  3. One of the following:
    1. Computer Organization and Systems (CS 107, 5 units)
    2. From Languages to Machine Learning (CS 124, 4 units)
    3. Applied Machine Learning (CS 129, 4 units)
    4. Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CS 161, 5 units)
    5. Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques (CS 221, 4 units)
    6. Introduction to Computational Social Science (MS&E 231, 4 units)
    7. Data Mining and Analysis (STATS 202, 3 units)
    8. Introduction to Statistical Learning (STATS 216, 3 units)
Statistical Inference (9 - 14 units)
  1. One of the following:
    1. Theory of Probability (STATS 116, 5 units)
    2. Theory of Probability I (STATS 117, 3 units)
    3. Introduction to Probability (MS&E 120, 4 units) 
    4. Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists (CS 109, 3-5 units)
  2. One of the following:
    1. Introduction to Applied Statistics (STATS 191, 3 units)
    2. Introduction to Statistical Inference (STATS 200, 3 units)
    3. Introduction to Applied Statistics (MS&E 125, 4 units)
    4. Fundamentals of Data Science: Prediction, Inference, Causality (MS&E 226, 3 units)
  3.  One of the following:
    1. Causality, Decision Making and Data Science (DATASCI 161, 3 units)
    2. Causal Inference for Social Science (POLISCI 150C/POLISCI355C, 5 units)*
    3. Quasi-Experimental Research Design & Analysis (SOC 258B, 5 units)**
    4.  Advanced Topics in Econometrics (ECON 102C, 5 units)**
    5. Applications of Causal Inference Methods (EDUC 260A, 3 units)

* POLISCI 150C has a prerequisite of POLISCI 150A. However, if you are familiar with programming in R, your other statistical inference core classes will provide sufficient preparation, so you do not need to take POLISCI 150A. 

**SOC 258B and ECON 102C have prerequisites of ECON 102B. However, your other statistical inference core classes will provide sufficient preparation, so you do not need to take ECON 102B.

Optimization (3-4 units)
  1. One of the following: 
    1. Introduction to Optimization (MS&E 111/211/ENGR 62, 3 units)
    2. Introduction to Optimization: Data Science (MS&E 111DS/211DS, 4 units)
Ethics (3-5 units)
  1. One of the following:
    1. Justice (POLISCI 103 - 5 units)
    2. Introduction to AI Safety (CS 120, 3 units)
    3. Human-Centered AI (CS 139, 3 units)
    4. Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy (CS 181 - 4 units)
    5. Ethics, Public Policy, and Technology Change (CS 182 - 4 units) 
    6. Data Privacy and Ethics (MS&E 234 - 3 units)
    7.  Introduction to Moral Philosophy (ETHICSOC 20 – 4-5 units)
    8. The Politics of Algorithms (COMM 154 / COMM 254 / CSRE 154T / SOC 154 - 5 units)

Social Systems Core

Behavioral Science (15-20 units)

Complete four courses that cover at least two of the following four areas:


  1. Psychology (“Individuals”)
    1. Introduction to Psychology (PSYCH 1 - 5 units)
    2. Minds and Machines (PSYCH 35 - 4 units)
    3. Introduction to Personality and Affective Science (PSYCH 80 - 4 units)
    4. Self and Society: Introduction to Social Psychology (PSYCH 70 / SOC 2 - 4 units)
  2.  Sociology (“Groups”)
    1. Economic Sociology (SOC 114 - 5 units)
    2. Race and Ethnic Relations in the USA (SOC 145 - 4 units)
    3. Formal Organizations (SOC 160 – 4 units)
    4. Formal Organizations (OSPSANTG 46 - 4 units)
    5. Introduction to Social Networks (SOC 126 - 4 units)
    6. Introduction to Computational Social Science (SOC 10 - 4 units)
    7. America: Unequal (SOC 3 - 4 units)
  3.  Political Science (“Institutions”)
    1. The Science of Politics (POLSCI 1 - 5 units)
    2. Introduction to International Relations (POLISCI 101- 5 units)
    3. Introduction to American Politics and Policy: In Defense of Democracy (POLISCI 102 -  5 units)
    4. Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (POLISCI 114D - 3-5 units)
  4.  Economics (“Markets”)
    1. Economic Analysis I (ECON 50 - 5 units)
    2. Economic Analysis II (ECON 51 – 5 units)
    3. Economic Analysis III (ECON 52 – 5 units)
Pathway (12-16 units)

The pathway is an opportunity for students to develop specific expertise on a topic they are passionate about and where data science methods and approaches have something compelling to offer.  

Learn more about the Data Science & Social Systems pathways

Capstone & WIM (5 units)

To integrate their computational skills and social science domain knowledge, Data Science & Social Systems majors will work in teams to provide actionable recommendations and practical tools to partners in government agencies, community organizations, or various social science labs that are striving to address an important societal challenge. Through this partnership, students will integrate material from their coursework, gain experience applying data science techniques to complex, real-world problems, and develop their ability to work in teams.  

To satisfy the capstone and WIM requirement, please complete the following:

  1. Data Science Practicum I (DATASCI 192A, 2 units)
  2. Data Science Practicum II (DATASCI 192B, 3 units)

Note: DATASCI 192A+B double-count to satisfy both the capstone requirement and the WIM requirement.